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Selectmen Minutes 08072018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday August 7, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Chief Quimby, Chief Clarke, Matt Cole, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Patty Milligan, Stan Brehm, Jason Weir, Mary Castelli, Tammy Jameson and other members of the public.

Department Heads

Fire Department-
Chief Quimby stated that the Chichester Fire Department assisted Epsom in the water situation on Rt. 4 resulting from the Beaver damn breaking in Chichester.  
Rescue 2 has a failed alternator which is being rebuilt.
The Per Diem shifts are going well.  Chief Quimby stated there are a few bumps but they are working through it.  Chichester has been assisting Epsom and Epsom assisting Chichester and the Department is still hiring at least four more per diems.  He stated that it would be nice to have two on at the same time.   
A meeting occurred with a resident and the Fire Department that the BOS and the Fire Marshalls office took part in and Mr. Jordan stated he was impressed with Chief Quimby.  He handled the meeting with professionalism and was able to work out a good resolution.  

Police Department-
Officer West is certified through the State of NH and he just needs to do the law package at the Academy.  
Chief Clarke stated that Pittsfield asked the Chichester Police Department to help in hiring process in hiring a new chief.  

Building Inspection-
Mr. Cole stated that he is now back from vacation and working through his in box.  He also stated that he will be working with Jodi on proposals for budget season.

Ms. Noel stated that the Library had a Book the previous weekend which sold over $500.00 worth of books.  The summer reading program is winding down now. Ms. Noel stated that they had a lesson from the lift installer due to ongoing problems with lift.  The Library is moving forward to get quotes on shelving and ideas to revamp the children areas.  The next book sale will be on Sept 8, 2018 along with a farmers market.  Space is free for the market.  Ms. Noel stated that the final distribution of the Shirley waters estate was approximately $7600.00.

Emergency Management-
The new trailer has been delivered and there is currently a list of supplies being worked on to outfit the trailer.

Mr. Plunkett is on vacation and will return to work on August 21, 2018.  

Planning Board discussion-
Mr. Millette would like the communication between the BOS and the Planning Board to improve.
Mr. Millette asked Mr. Brehm to come for department heads BOS meeting once per month to give an update and Mr. Brehm agreed.
Mr. Brehm stated that the Planning Board has been working with the Conservation Commission to resolve a wetland issue on the Mikes Affordable Auto property.  
The BOS also discussed with the Mr. Brehm about creating a checklist to keep all the departments in the loop as well as providing more copies of plats along with a digital copy.  The Board also discussed utilizing both the Concord Monitor as well as the Suncook Sun for making more people aware of meetings.  
Mr. Williams stated that by following the rules of procedures all applicants have to have applications in by the 10th which gives more time to notice.  
Mr. Brehm stated they could use more Planning Board Members appointed.  

Primex- Playground Report
Primex did a visit in April and July to complete a full inspection of the playground and made note of all the areas of deficiency.  
Plastic playground-
Some of the deficiencies mentioned in the meeting included: head entrapment, sharp edges, trip and fall hazards as a short list.  
The Board discussed last inspection and how they added chips for safety.
Natural Playground-
Some of the issues needing to be addressed include:
The climbing boulders need to be separated 6ft., dead and rotted trees nearby need to be  removed, trip and fall hazard on the climbing culverts, head impact on the stump climber, fall concern on the inclined log climber.   
Bleachers- need end caps
Primex indicated that there needs to be a timeline to fix these items.  
Mr. Jameson stated that it would be good for the BOS to meet with parks and rec at park to discuss the issues.  
Mrs. Pinard will reach out to Mr. Boyijian to set up a meeting with the BOS.

Internet discussion-
TDS reached out to Mrs. Pinard and sent a proposal for services.  The services would be adding the Historical society building and increase Highways speed and still save about $250.00 month. There is a 36 month agreement.  Mrs. Pinard would like move forward and looking for approval from Board. Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to switch to TDS for a 36 month contract for cable and internet.  Motion passes.  

Food Pantry Donation-
A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Millette pursuant to RSA 31:19, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of:
$250.00 in support of the Food Pantry from Harvard Health Care
It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request.  Motion passes.

Old Home Day Donation-
A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Millette pursuant to RSA 31:19, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of:
$100.00 in support of Old Home Day from Anthony & Deborah Torrey
$250.00 in support of Old Home Day from Frank & Sue Merrill
It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditures, and that such records shall be made available upon request.  Motion passes.

Approval of Expenditures out of the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund-2018
Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to authorize the installation of a new bay door at the Safety Complex not to exceed the amount of $1866.00 from Central Garage Door out of the Town Facilities Capital Reserves Fund.  Motion passes.

Approval of Expenditures out of the Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund-2017
Mr. Jameson made a motion and Mr. Millette seconded to repair the Historical Society roof damaged in the wind storm in the amount of $3,700.00 out of the Facilities reserve fund.  Motion passes.

Mr. Jameson Made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to authorize a fire using the Town fire pit on August 18th during Old Home Day. Motion passes.  

DOT Letter-
Mrs. Pinard read the draft letter to DOT.
Chief Quimby suggested to send it to state reps. Also CC:  Mike Dugas Bill Case Bill Lambert.
It was recommended to include the economic impact, emotional toll, commerce disrupted, and the fact that Chichester is continuing to develop.  

Public Comments
Jason Weir came to the meeting to discuss an issue he was not able to resolve with Mrs. Pinard regarding a property, 15 Mason Road.  Mr. Weir stated that he mistakenly paid the property taxes on this parcel when in fact he shouldn’t have.  The new owners of the trailer placed on this property never filed a deed which caused the Town to send him a tax bill and not the current owners.   Mr. Weir reached out to Mrs. Pinard, but she explained to him that she was not able to change the owner of record without a deed according to State law.
The Board asked Mr. Weir will put something in writing for the Town stating what transpired so he can be reimbursed for the taxes he paid.  

Mr. Weir also wanted to let the Board know 13 Mason Road never paid his back taxes.  Mr. Weir stated that it went to lien and then he tore down his old trailer and put up a new one.  He currently still owes those taxes but there is not anything obviously to tax deed.   

Mr. Weir asked about spot checking the assessments.  He felt his property on Dover Road was unfairly assessed and invited the Selectmen to stop by to view the property.   

Lastly, Mr. Weir cautioned the Town to allow low income housing fearing Chichester will end up like Pittsfield, franklin, etc.  He stated that he felt that it’s not good for Chichester as a whole.    

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant